Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Reflections on Christmas

Of all family celebrations and holidays, I think that Christmas is the one most interwoven with tradition.  There are the common ones such as singing carols, gift-giving and decorations. But there are also traditions unique to each family, the ones that evolve as your family does! For instance, this will be the 36th year that I have baked yummy Christmas Bread on Christmas Eve to have for breakfast on Christmas morning.  My mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother all did the same and my oldest daughter, Elisabeth has continued the tradition. We bake the same cookies every year even though we try new ones here and there. We always open our stockings first before the gifts, and open gifts youngest to oldest and around again! About 22 years ago we memorized the Christmas story from Luke 2 as a family. Every year since, we quote it as a family. We love to sing Christmas carols together in the evening.  When the older children were small. they put on a program for Christmas that we performed for grandparents and sometimes the local nursing home. We take lots of pictures to enjoy in years to come.  Because of all of the tradition, we mark the passing of time more poignantly from year to year. Change seems so obvious.

I usually get so caught up in all of the preparation, that I miss many of the small blessings of the moment.  This year, I plan to to slow down and savor the sweet moments with my family and all of my little grandchildren. The mess will wait and dishes will still be there when everyone is gone, but we will not have these special moments again.  Next year, they will be a year older and it will be different.

I also plan to take some quiet moments to reflect on the wonder of Emmanuel, God With Us. It is hard to conceive of,  isn't it?  Imagine the Creator of the Universe becoming a tiny, helpless baby to rescue the souls of men!!

Lord, draw our hearts to the stable to refresh our childlike wonder at our Messiah's birth.  Help us to live our lives today in anticipation of His return to rule the earth.

Joy to the World!!!


Friday, December 16, 2011

Delicious Homemade Yogurt

 This has absolutely nothing to do with the Christmas season, except for the fact that I have been so busy sewing etc., that I have not been cooking!  We have been eating lots of yogurt with homemade granola and fruit. A few months ago, I started making yogurt and have been so fabulously successful, that I thought that I would explain the process to you, so that you can try it yourself.  This is so much cheaper than buying it at the grocery and so handy.

After much experimentation with a heat source, I finally settled on a candle warmer as the perfect incubator for yogurt! One may easily be purchased for about four dollars at a craft store or candle department of Walmart. You will also need a carton of Dannon yogurt (I use vanilla) or any other that has active cultures. Now we are ready to go.

I have several quart sized jars that I use for the process.  You will fill your jar about 2/3 with milk and heat it in the microwave for  a minute or so, just until the chill is off but it is not hot. We like vanilla yogurt, not being purists, so I add 1/3 cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla to the milk .  Next you will stir in two tablespoons of yogurt into the mix and stir with a whisk until it is well mixed. Then I top off the jar with either half and half or more milk and put the lid on.

Now plug in the warmer and set your jar inside a bowl of warm water and there you go! About eight hours later you should have a jar of creamy yogurt. I check it to be sure with a little taste test, and if it tastes like yogurt, I wipe off the jar and set it inside the freezer for two hours and then into the frig for use. 

When I buy my carton of yogurt, I get the quart size and freeze portions in little muffin cups for future yogurt batches. I use silicone cups that I can then pop out and store in a ziplock bag in the freezer. I have been using the bit of yogurt left from a jar to make the next jar sometimes.  You can do this once or twice, but the culture begins to weaken. I probably make a quart a day because we all like it so much. Next time I will give you the granola recipe that I like!

Wishing you a happy day!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Light of the World

We have had a very dark December so far, cloudy days with lots of rain and about four inches of snow! Yesterday, however, the sun  came out!  What a difference the light made coming in the windows of my house.  For one thing, I could see the dust bunnies a bit better. I had more energy and enthusiasm for my house chores and studies. Everything is better in the light.  Isaiah the prophet spoke of this is the dark days that he lived, hundreds of years before the first Christmas:
"The people who walk in darkness will see a great light;
Those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them." Isaiah 9:2
The shepherds who received the announcement of the child's birth were surrounded by the light of the glory of God. The Light had come!
One of my favorite verses is II Corinthians 4:6: "For God, who said,"Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
We need not walk in darkness any longer.

This past Sunday we went to hear our son Isaiah sing at his church and heard a song we have never heard before. The words of the chorus were especially good:
Celebrate the Child who is the Light
Now the darkness is over.
No more wandering in the night,
Celebrate the Child who is the Light....Michael Card

This Christmas season, look into the face of Christ, and celebrate the Child who is the Light!!

Our family loves Christmas lights! I tried hanging lights on our house one time without much lasting success, so we have a lot of lights in our house instead! I love the warm glow they give. We also enjoy the lights that others light their houses with, so every evening car ride becomes an oohing and ahhing time for us. Over the years we have enjoyed drinking hot chocolate while we "enjoy" the tree.  I know that you can get many flavors and types in packages in the store, but there is nothing quite like homemade! Here is a recipe that I have been making since I was 12 years old. It is simple, but delicious. You can top it with marshmallows or whipped cream and of course a peppermint stick makes a great stirrer!!
  • Hot Chocolate
In a saucepan mix:  2 T. cocoa
                              3 T. sugar
                              1/4 t. salt
Stir on 1/2 cup of hot water. Bring this mixture to a boil, stirring. Add 2 cups of milk and heat, but don't boil!

Now, make your family some hot chocolate and enjoy your tree together and celebrate. The Light of the world has come!
  • Blessings!
  • Diana

Monday, December 5, 2011

Away in a Manger

When we were small, we opened our gifts on Christmas Eve. I am told that it was a German tradition carried by my father's side of the family.  We loved it...nighttime is such a magical time.  My Dad would take us for a ride in the car to look at all of the beautiful lights in the neighborhood, and while we were away Santa would come. Every year it was the same until there was no longer any little children to take for the ride. We would open our gifts...always a new nightgown for me and a doll, a puzzle and a game, a book and of course socks and underwear!  But always one thing to delight each of parents love to delight their children!! While we opened our gifts, we would snack on special appetizers and cookies.  This was the only time I remember that we could eat in the living room!!  One of our favorites was my Mom's Salmon Ball which she served with various little crackers.

Salmon Ball
  • 1 can of pink salmon, skin and bones removed
  • 8 oz. cream cheese
  • 1 T. lemon juice
  • 2 t. grated onion
  • 1 t. horseradish
  • 1/4 t. salt
  • 1/2 t. liquid smoke
Mix it all together and shape it into 2 balls on waxed paper. Roll the balls in 1/2 cup chopped pecans mixed with 1 T. minced parsley.  This spread is best made a couple of days in advance so that the flavors can blend. I wrap each ball in plastic wrap and refrigerate.

One year when our children were little, we played a little game during the Advent season to get ready for Baby Jesus to come. I made a little manger to put on a table where the children could reach it easily. Next to the manger was a basket of little pieces of straw. If the children did an unseen kindness for someone, they could place a piece of straw on the manger to make the Babe's bed ready for his arrival. I remember that being a very fun Advent time with much sneaking around! On Christmas morning, the tiny Baby Jesus was asleep on their bed of hay!

One of the first Christmas songs our little ones learned was, of course, the favorite of all little children:
Away in the Manger.  Stanzas one and two first appeared in the Little Children's Book published in 1885.  The third verse was written by a pastor in the early 1900's to be used  in a children's program.

Away in a manger, no crib for  a bed, the little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head; the stars in the sky looked down where He lay, the little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing; the Baby awakes, but little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes; I love Thee, Lord Jesus! look down from the sky, and stay by my cradle till morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay close by me forever, and love me, I pray; bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, and fit us for heaven to live with Thee there.

"And she gave birth to her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn" Luke 2:7

"Let every heart a manger be."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Season of Anticipation

It is hard to believe that it is already December 1! Christmas is near and soon after that,  2011 will be history, with a new year begun. This is my favorite time of year for many reasons.  I love the beginning of winter...that "cozying in" that we do when the weather gets cold. I love building fires in the fireplace and sitting down to knit or read with a cup of tea...better yet if there is snow to look at outside! Bread, cookies and soup all smell so good and taste so satisfying this time of year.
Growing up in a very traditional family, I love the 
Christmas season for its traditions.  Filling the house with Christmas music, decorations, lights and hidden surprises brings anticipation and delight to all. We bake our traditional cookies, bread and other treats to share with our neighbors, friends and family. Everyone looks forward to Christmas with anticipation that builds each day!  Our 36 years of family life have seen some traditions come and some go as life has changed. It is hard not to look back with a certain wistfulness at those early days. But, even though life has changed, it is still good and the new traditions are treasured with the old.
This month, I would like to share some family recipes and traditions along with some Christmas carols and Scripture. I am really doing this for me, to help me focus on the true meaning of Christmas.  It is so easy to settle for the impoverished version that the world offers and miss the wonder of that Baby in the manger!
One of my favorite Christmas Passages is found in The first chapter of John's Gospel:

"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."  There is a song sung by the group  "Glad" that says, "As His mother held Him closely it was hard to understand, that her baby not yet speaking, was the Word of God to man!" What a mystery - that the eternal God and Creator of all, was veiled in flesh and dwelt among us. 
Emmanuel..God With Us!


Monday, October 10, 2011

A Heart of Integrity

I hate to admit this, but when I was a young mother I watched a couple of soap operas!!! I found them one day when I was baking and looking for something to watch while the cookies went in and out of the oven.  Seemed innocent enough, after all my own grandmother had her "shows" she watched while she ironed!! Funny though how those two little shows began to orchestrate the way that I planned my entire day! Laundry to fold? Save it for the soap...after all, I was not an idle woman! Lunch by a certain time, then naps , then it was "my shows".

I began to notice, though, that my oldest daughter began to know who the characters were. She was only four and no longer napping.  Hmmm....maybe I should quit.  But they were my friends!! One morning very early I was up reading my Bible with Baby Rachel on my lap. It seemed that no matter how early I got up to read, someone got up with me. As I read out loud to Rachel from Psalms, I read this verse from Psalm 101:  "I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart. I will set no worthless thing before my eyes." WOW!  Right away my heart identified these shows as  "worthless things" and the desire of my heart to have integrity. I told the Lord then that I agreed with Him that these friends had to go.  I talked with my husband and we decided to take a 30 day t.v. fast with our family. Sounded hard, but I was willing to give it a try.  We found that we loved having no t.v. in our home. We began the tradition of reading aloud with our children in the evenings. Over the seven years that we were t.v. less, we read The Little House series, the Narnia books, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women and many other great books. Our children learned to be very creative players, dancing and putting on programs for all the many holidays. We memorized Scripture together at the rate of 5 verses a week, reviewing past portions on weekends. Taking the show on the road, we visited our local nursing home to quote our verses and sing songs. Our Children learned to love music: Psalty and Colby, Integrity worship music and Hooked on Classics were some of our favorites.  What a great time we had! The older kids still talk about these times and how important they were to them.  When you read God's Word, be prepared to take action and see how the Lord blesses your obedience and desire to have a heart of integrity!



Friday, September 23, 2011

First Day of Fall

Since I last wrote on this blog, fall has officially arrived!  I have noticed a bit of color on the landscape and the corn fields are beginning to disappear. The temperatures have also cooled down, putting me in the mood to bake breads. I got a new bread cookbook and have tried a couple of new ones with great success, but thought you might enjoy the recipe for these delicious rolls.  This recipe makes 24 rolls and I don't think I have ever had any left over, no matter how few of us there are for dinner! So, here goes...

Mimi's Favorite Rolls
  1.  Mix together in a large bowl: 3 1/2 cups of flour, 1 T. yeast, 1 t. salt, 1/4 c. sugar
  2. In a small saucepan, heat until bubbly around the edges, 1 1/4 cups of milk. Take off of the heat and add 1/4 cup of butter. Cool this down until it is lukewarm.
  3. Add milk mixture and 1 egg to the flour and mix it well. This will be a sticky dough. Cover and let it rise for an hour or until it is doubled in size.
  4. Turn the dough onto a well-floured board and divide in half. Working with one half at a time, roll into a circle about 12" in diameter. You will need to flour the dough well, in order to be able to roll it out!. Spread the dough with as much soft butter as it takes to cover the dough. 
Cut your circle into 12 wedges. Starting from the wide end, roll them up into crescent shapes and put to rise on a greased baking sheet. I cover them loosely with plastic wrap and let them rise until double. Preheat the oven to 350 and bake them for about 12 minutes or until nicely browned. Serve with butter.

Any old dinner becomes a special occasion with these delicious rolls!

From Mrs. Dunwoody
  1. Chill candles for several hours before lighting, it will cause fewer drips.
To remove the smell of smoke from a room, fill a glass jar with vinegar and place a large oil lamp wick inside the jar. It will absorb the lingering odors.

Our family members will carry the atmosphere we create in our homes for the rest of their lives.

Thanks for visiting!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Apple Time is here!

It is September 3, and fall is not officially here, but the apples definitely are! This is my very favorite time of year and one of my very favorite things to do in the fall, is go pick apples at our local orchard. The very first time we picked apples, I had 2 little tiny girls, and I wanted to learn to make great pies. Allen and I with the girls in tow, set off for Bells Apple Orchard where we picked a gorgeous bushel of apples. That week I made apple butter, applesauce and an apple pie every single evening until I got it down! My husband didn't complain...the pies were delicious!  I have picked apples with all ten of my children and now they are picking them with theirs.

One of my favorite recipes, a very easy one, is an apple dip recipe given to me by my neighbor, Connie, about 25 or so years ago. It has become a family favorite and is delicious with those fresh apples.

Connie's Apple Dip
  • Melt  1/2 cup butter in a small saucepan
  • Add 1/2 cup of brown  sugar and stir until it is smooth
  • Stir in 1/2 cup of sour cream and 1 tsp. vanilla and stir it with a whisk until it is well combined.
  • If you have time, refrigerate for an hour or so so that it firms up a bit
Slice up those apples and enjoy!!

Have a great day!


Monday, August 22, 2011

For Love of White Dishes

There is something about white dishes that I love. In 1981, I traded in my wedding stoneware for  my first set of white dishes. I  purchased a set of Nikko white classic and have been in love with white ever since! I  now have several sets of white dishes that we mix and match for family gatherings. White is perfect for every occasion - just change out linens and table decorations and there you have it! No need to have a cabinet full of dishes with Christmas trees and turkeys on them.

I never can pass up white dishes at a garage sale. I especially like to collect milk glass pieces. I have quite a collection, and like to use them wherever I can. I am not sure if any of them are valuable, but I enjoy them.

I know this is hard to believe, but I do not like to use a dishwasher! I do like to take a stack of dirty dishes, wash them and line all of those clean white plates up in the dish drainer to dry.What a transformation!

What is it about white dishes? Maybe it is the truth planted in my heart from Isaiah 1:18.
"Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool."  Maybe I see myself in those dirty plates washed clean. "What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

Thanks for reading!


Friday, August 5, 2011

Garage Sale Treasures

We do love garage sales, and one of our favorite is the annual sale at our local Methodist Church! It is particularly rich because many of the donars are older folks and they have much cooler stuff. This year I spent $7.25 and this is what I brought home. 

In the above photo we have a Fiesta ware butter dish, a white jewelry box, a soft white cotton summer blanket,a white pitcher, a footed milk glass planter, a small milk glass goblet, a crochet hook, and two pottery planters.
In this picture which is somewhat dark, there is a brand new 1983 toaster oven...still sealed in it's original box and a coffee press, also new.  We love the toaster oven and are having so much fun with it. The coffee press makes a great single cup of coffee.
I mentioned last time that my little granddaughter had broken her arm. Here she is sporting her new cast and swimming with her Aunt Sophie in the pool! You can't hold little ones down for long!

Here are some sage words from Mrs. Dunwoody:

One of my favorites:
"Always go to other people's funerals; otherwise they won't come to yours."

Work on your inner beauty.
It counts for all eternity,
but your looks and youth will
soon wilt like a daylily.

Blessings to you!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

One More Zucchini Recipe!

It is just after midnight, and a few minutes ago I wished my son, Luke, a very happy birthday! I can hardly believe that it has been 20 years ago that I first held that sweet little red- haired baby boy in my arms. We were so thrilled to have another son...that made the count four girls and three boys. The boys were catching up!! It is also my daughter-in-law Sara's birthday as well. Happy Birthday to you both!!!

Our little granddaughter broke her arm yesterday while hopping from swing to swing in the backyard! She is now the proud owner of a bright purple (thankfully water-proof) cast.  There is never a dull moment around here!

Here is one of my all-time favorite zucchini recipes.  My mom has fixed this dish for years and I have made it all of my years as chief cook around here!

Zucchini Bake

3 cups of zucchini sliced 1/2 inch thick
1 sweet Spanish onion, sliced

Melt 1/4 cup of butter in a skillet and cook the onion and squash until tender. Place them in a 1 1/2 quart buttered baking dish.  Sprinkle with 1/2 cup coarse bread crumbs. I tear bread into little pieces as it is easier than getting out the food processor!

Mix together:

3 eggs
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 8-oz can of tomato sauce
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

Pour this mixture over the contents of baking dish and then sprinkle with 1/2 cup parmesan  cheese.
Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes or until it is set and brown. This serves six. We use a 7 x 11 inch dish. This is a very flavorful dish you are sure to enjoy! Unfortunately, we did not get a picture of this one so you will have to take my word for the fact that it is a good looking dish!

We have had a couple of weeks of unseasonably hot weather, even for Indiana! I thought it would be a good time to get started on some projects for our fall craft open house. Here are some of the things I made:
 A new notebook design and knitted child's cap
These are from a handbag pattern that I have been playing around with! 
 I love these little tissue holders! They are such fun to make!
Have a happy day!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Sophie's Favorite Zucchini Recipe

Do you love to go the fair and get the fried veggies? Then you, like Miss Sophia, will love this  recipe! 

I slice my zucchini about 1/4 inch  thick for this dish.  I make a fritter batter as follows:

1 cup of flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1 egg
1 cup milk

Beat all of the above in a mixing bowl with a wire whisk until it is smooth. Then I simply stir in the sliced zucchini. I heat about a quarter inch of oil in a skillet, and then when it is hot I lift the slices out of the batter with a fork and add them to the skillet. Fry them until they are nice and brown, and then turn them over and finish cooking the other side. I remove them to a paper towel lined plate and continue until they are all cooked.

When we go to the Indiana State Fair, they serve the fried veggies with a spicy sauce  that we have tried to copy. We play around with it, but basically I mix:

Red Hot sauce
Zataran's seasoning mix

You have to play with the ingredients because I have never written it down and always have to guess, but it is a very tasty dipping sauce.

Do you remember last winter when I told you about the geraniums that I had started? They were blooming in my kitchen window all through the snowy months. I planted them in my planter outside in late spring and they looked just awful!  The leaves turned a very sickly shade of gold and I thought for sure they were going to die.  But, they didn't! Here they are today!

Aren't they lovely?  They have really enjoyed the heat we have had. Gardening always seems to have such good spiritual application, doesn't it? When I think about the trials in my life, when the Lord "turns the heat up", do I become more lovely? Or do I resist the Master Gardener's work in my life and instead shrivel up and become ugly? My choice.

With love,


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Susanna's Favorite Zucchini Bread

Susanna's favorite way to have zucchini is in this delicious bread. The recipe actually came from my oldest daughter, Elisabeth, who is a wonderful baker and gives many baked goods as gifts to the  many people in her life.  The secret ingredient in this moist bread is cream cheese!

Beat the following ingredients until smooth:

3 eggs
2 cups of sugar
1 cup of oil
1 t. vanilla

Add 8 oz cream cheese

stir together:

2 cups of flour
1 t. baking soda
1 t. baking powder
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. salt 
1/2 t. nutmeg

add the flour mixture to the egg mixture and mix.

Fold in 2 cups of shredded zucchini and 2 cups of chopped nuts. Spread into 2 greased and floured standard sized bread pans and bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool in pan for 10 minutes and invert onto cooling rack.

Susanna's variation:
Add 1/3 cup of cocoa instead of spices and add chocolate chips in place of nuts. I use about 1/2 cup of mini chips. She prefers everything with chocolate!!!



Friday, July 22, 2011

Absolutely Fabulous Zucchini Relish

If you are like me, and think that there is nothing better than a grilled hot dog in the summer, then I have a recipe for you!  This recipe came from our real estate lady the summer we were buying our very first home of our own. Loree came in carrying a large bushel basket of zucchini and a handful of recipes for me. I was a young mom with three small children who had already experienced the joy of filling up my root cellar with canned and preserved food. So, I enthusiastically set out to conquer the basket of squash. We have enjoyed this relish  over the past thirty years and  you will never want to eat a hot dog without it once you try it.

  1. 11 cups of grated zucchini ( I slice out the center of seeds when I use larger zucchini.)
  2. 4 cups of grated onions
  3. 1 large green pepper
  4. 3 tbsp salt
Combine all of these ingredients in a large bowl and cover with ice cubes and water. Let it stand in the frig overnight. The next day when you are ready to process the relish, wash your jars, boil your lids and get the water bath ready first, then your are ready to get started.  Wash your vegetable mixture with cold water, drain well, and then put it into a pot with:

1.  2 1/4 cups of white vinegar
2.  5 cups sugar
3. 1 tbsp mustard seed
4.  1 tbsp turmeric
5.  2 tsp celery seed
6. 1 tsp nutmeg
 Cook all of these ingredients together for 30 minutes. I buy my spices in the bulk section in the produce department. They are much less expensive!  Ladle the hot relish into the jars and process for 5 minutes. I double this recipe and it makes 8 pints. If you have a good supply,  you might as well double the recipe since it really is no more work.  This relish makes great gifts as well!

Have fun with this and heat up the grill!  My favorite brand of hot dogs is Hebrew National!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


We had the fun of hosting a Rotary Foreign Exchange student these past four months. Ben is a Dutch boy from Germany who chose to come to the USA for the year.  He went home yesterday and left a hole in our home and hearts. Ben is a fine young man with a heart as big as all outdoors and  who gives his all to every endeavor. He has a loud deep voice with a lovely accent that charms all the babies that come to our home (and the big people as well!) He was sad to leave and we were sad to see him go. We pray God's richest blessings on him and hope to see him again soon!

I have been thinking lately about my life and how blessed I have been to be able to stay at home and raise  my children. I have been a mother for 34 years now and have absolutely loved being a homemaker! I honestly don't think I have been bored for one single day being home. Homemaking is my chosen career, not something that I settled for. As such, I have given it my all, developing my skills as I went along. There are such a large variety of skills a woman can develop at home. There are, of course, the basics of housekeeping, cooking and cleaning, but these are only the beginning! Over the years I have learned to bake breads, make jams and jellies, freeze and can food from our gardens, sew my and my children's clothing, quilt, knit and crochet, make all kinds of crafts, make soap, garden, paint and wallpaper, lay flooring, homeschool my children, and all kinds of different things. What fun I have had! It seems to me that homemaking is becoming a lost art that needs to be revived. Young mothers need to be encouraged to bring their very best to their home for the sake of their families. I may sound old-fashioned, but I believe that the home is where true fulfillment lies for a woman. I love the old saying,"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." I really believe this is true in the sense that we as mothers shape the future. I am going to continue to think on this and sees where it goes.

Last week in the garden, we had our initial harvest of ...zucchini!! I fixed my favorite recipes and had Luke take pictures so that I can share  them with you. So, get ready in the next few days for recipes that you will really love using that prolific vegetable of the summer!

Our oldest grand-daughter turned seven years old this month! She is growing into such a sweet young lady and we love her so much! Happy Birthday, Eloise! It is also Luke's, Sam's and our daughter-in-law Sara's birthdays in July. Birthdays are such happy days!

May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer in my Garden

When we moved into this house nearly nine years ago, there were no gardens even though the house sits on three and a half acres.  Since I love flower gardens and Allen loves to grow veggies, we have been adding to the garden space steadily all these years. This year it seems as if the perennials are exploding! We brought a few of our favorites from our previous home and have been dividing and moving them around. And of course, we have added new ones.  We have also added over a hundred trees and bushes! A couple of weeks ago Luke took some pictures of the flowers and herbs.
Four years ago I started these hydrangeas from little tiny starts from my daughter's garden in the country. They have done so well and are just gorgeous this year!
This is just outside of our side entrance. I love to see this little boy reading his book so peacefully in the patch of lamb's ears.  He is just so cute!
This little birdbath sits under a huge old oak tree in our backyard. It is a wonderful, sprawling tree that provides a deep shade for the back yard and gives a bit of relief even in the 90+ degree weather we are having right now.
Last year we put in a big round herb garden in the sunny side yard. I wanted it to be in a spot visible from the kitchen window, since I spend so much time in the kitchen.  I planted kitchen herbs as well as herbs such as the calendula pictured above, for my soap. I love these brilliant yellow, gold and orange blooms! They are so cheerful and look lovely with the other plants out there.
Lavender is one of my all-time favorites! I have five varieties of this fragrant plant and use them in my lavender soap and shampoo bars. I love running my hands over the plants and smelling the fragrance that is left on the skin.  Lavender also repels insects!

I hope you have enjoyed the garden walk!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Living Beautifully

I thought you would appreciate these good words!!

Mrs. Dunwoody's Guide to Living Beautifully

Realize that each new day is a gift from God. Treat it as such.

Focus on life's blessings, as this is continuously uplifting, and affects who you are as a person.

Develop a keen appreciation for the little luxuries in your daily life-the smell of coffee in the morning,the songbirds outside your window, a loved one's crooked smile. Seek out these "blessings" and take time each day to notice and savor them. Pay attention to your life.

Create a home you love to live in.

Spend some time outdoors. Nature heals and replenishes the soul.

Do something kind for someone at least every week; aim for every day. Do a good deed annonymously. You will find, in time, that the more you give, the more is given back to you.

Everything in life is a choice. Realize that as you live your life, each moment you are either adding to or taking away from the quality of your life. You are either creating and enjoying, or dying and destroying. There is no "standing still", for that is time wasted and therefore takes away from your life.  The choice for your life is up to you!

Strive to become the best version of yourself.

To awaken mentally and become passionate about something, find the thing that moves your heart and stirs your soul. Persevere, for passion is necessary for a beautiful life.

Create something, whether it is a family, a meal, a painting, or a daydream.

Never stop learning, through books, people, travel, and experiences.

Listen to and enjoy another's company often.

Focus on your love of beauty.

Treat yourself well. Use the fine china for your cup of tea.

Cultivate gratitude in all things and circumstances.  Search for the good in all.

Speak only kind words.

Laugh every day.

Give continual thanks and praise to your Creator, and ask Him to guide your heart and soul.

Have a beautiful day, friend!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Island Shopping Tour

When we vacation on Hattaras Island on the outer banks of North Carolina, our favorite thing to do, of course, is spend time on the beach. We like to walk, hunt for shells, fly kites, play in the water, build sand castles, read and just soak in the sun and good salt air.
 But after lunch when the children are napping, the shoppers among us head out for shopping!!!! Over the years we have discovered several spots that we enjoy and look forward to going back to each time . One of the first places we go each year is The Sea Chest. This shop specializes not only in all the usual tourist trinkets, but also silver jewelry, wind chimes and antiques. What really makes this shop special is the owner!! This woman is a native of the island and is continually telling stories of the way it used to be and is an expert on all of the island lore. Want to know how to pronounce Chicamacomico?Ask her...she knows!! Our little ones always find an affordable treasure here. 
Another favorite shop was discovered on our way down  Highway 12 to take the ferry to Okracoke Island. Highway 12 runs down the island, so everything is on this main road. The Elegant Attic is our very favorite place to visit. Located in beautiful Buxton, this shop is known primarily for its stained glass. The owner travels to Europe to purchase old stained glass windows and antiques to sell in her shop. The shop adjoins her home and she is always happy to allow visitors to walk through her home to see how she uses the stained glass there. There are breathtaking views of the sound as well as a shop full of treasures to enjoy.  Elisabeth, Hannah and Leah have all purchased windows from the Elegant Attic. We love to go there and and soak up the peaceful beauty.

Another favorite is the Pea Island Art Gallery. This shop features all local art. We particularly love the pottery in beautiful blues and greens of the sea.
Probably our most frequented spot is the Pamlico Station because of its diverse shops. There is a good coffee shop upstairs where you can sit indoors or out and watch the sun twinkle on the sound as you sip your latte. Also there is a t-shirt shop where the kids design their own shirts. The Moon Over Hattaras has beautiful beach treasures and then there is one "souvenir shop" with all of the little junk tourists seem unable to resist. This shop also sells hermit crabs in brightly painted shells. Two of our granddaughters brought home pairs of these funny critters this year.
A new shopping spot opened which features Kitty Hawk Kites, a wonderful coffee shop and nice restaurant. They hold wind-surfing competitions the week we are is fun to watch the surfers come past our house on the sound.

We always budget a bit of money for island treasures and have lots of fun hunting for them! These little treasures in our homes help keep the memories of our family vacation fresh!

I hope you have enjoyed the Hattaras Island shopping tour!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

I love both rainy days and Mondays!  Mondays  bring a clean page to begin writing your week upon. It is a good day to get organized for the week ahead. This morning as I sat at the coffee shop studying the book of Isaiah and listening to the pouring rain and crashing thunder, I was happily spinning projects for a rainy day in the back of my mind.  Paint the hallway perhaps? Finish the good book I had started?? When I was a girl at home, we played outdoors most days in the summer, so a rainy day brought the possibility of indoor fun.  For me that was usually baking cookies and reading a book. My younger brother and I liked to play 500 Rummy while we munched warm cookies! I don't think it gets much better than that!! Oh, the carefree days of one's youth!

When I finally got home after driving through higher water than I have ever driven through, about 4 inches of rain had fallen!  I spent the day pushing water down the sump pump in the basement, skimming and back washing a very full pool and finally taking a nice nap!  Oh well, I still love rainy days, which is good because it looks like more of the same tomorrow! Maybe tomorrow I will read my book or paint the hallway...

We had a wonderful vacation on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Beautiful weather and long relaxing days together.  I love to walk on the beach early in the morning and late in the evening. There is nothing quite like it.  My new picture is of me and all ten children.  Aren't they a good-looking group? The beautiful Pamlico   Sound is in the background.   I will share more vacation pictures next time, as Luke took many beautiful pictures.

Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer loves

It is hard to believe that it is already June and time for our family vacation!  I know that everyone says that time flies, but it is so true in our busy lives. It seems like this time of year is especially busy with home work, so it is nice to get away for a bit. Here are a few things that I love about summertime:

I love seeing all the new growth in the gardens!  This year we have a flourishing vegetable garden, thanks to my husband and the abundant rainfall.  We are already enjoying lettuce fresh from the garden and look forward to peas, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and more. The herb garden is also doing great and the perennials in the flower beds are filling in so well that I did not buy a single annual this year.

I love opening the swimming pool and not having trouble with it!!! This was our second smooth opening in  a row and I am so thankful, since we decided to save the money the last couple of years and close it ourselves. Pools are a lot of work, but it is fun to watch the children and now grandchildren become confident swimmers and have a lot of fun as well!

I love waking up in the morning to bird song. It is fun to watch the hummingbirds and other visitors to our feeders.

I love having more time in the morning, without the school rush , to study the Bible.  I am working on the last 26 or so chapters of Isaiah this summer and it is a soul-thrilling study! What a God we have!!!

I love going on vacation with my children and their families. It is fun to watch all the little ones play together on the beach and at the house.  It is fun to read a book on the deck overlooking the sound.  It is fun to get up early and walk on the beach looking for shells and enjoying the early quiet with the sea roaring in the background. I love the change of pace and chance to slow down for one week!

I will fill you in on our vacation happenings when we get home! Have a great week thinking of and enjoying all the things that you love about summer!!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Garage Sales!!!!!

When we were kids, we were always curious about garage sales and would ask our mom if we could go look.
The response was always the same..."No!  We are not going to buy someone else's junk!"  It was right up there with her response to our request to keep the kitties that our neighbors were always sending home with us!!! It wasn't until I was a young mother and met up with a family who LOVED garage sales, that I realized what excitement lay beyond the sign "Yard Sale"! Ginger and her family shopped garage sales seriously. She and her husband  and their three sons lived on a social worker's income back in the 70's and so if they were going to buy anything, it would be at garage sales. They had a system and worked it well and one day invited me to go along. What an adventure! Sales were mapped out, snacks and drinks were packed to be passed out every so many sales, money was in hand and off we went.  Those three boys could drive a hard bargain for the things they wanted and I learned a lot from them. I also realized what a treasure hunt it could be and love it to this day!

This weekend  Leah and I hit three neighborhood sales, our very favorite! We each found many treasures. I came home with two basketballs, one football and a large antique basket.  I also got Sophie a 9 piece summer wardrobe for $9.00...all darling clothes !  I paid one dollar total for the items below, a pyrex baking dish, soap dish, beeswax and 2 old glass bowls.
I also got these 5 flower pots for one dollar.

A couple of weeks ago I paid one dollar for a box of kitchen odds and ends, many of which landed in the 
trash, but these dishes were the treasure in that box!
I think it really is the anticipation that  precedes each sale that is so much never know what you might find!  Sometimes, nothing. But sometimes, an item that you will treasure for years to come.  Some of my very favorite things are "someone else's junk" such as this beautiful dish that I use for my sugar bowl. I enjoy it every time I have a cup of tea! 
Life is an adventure all in all, I think. Even in the hard things which we might consider "junk", I believe that we find some of our most significant treasures, if we look for what God wants to teach us about Himself. If we seek for Him as if for Treasure, we will surely find Him!

Happy hunting!!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

This has been a busy family time for us! The rainy weather has kept us from doing too much work out in the yard and gardens, but we have been sneaking it in whenever possible. Allen has got the cold weather crops in. I need to clean out the herb garden and get it ready to plant. It seems that the chamomile is taking over in spots...we should have plenty for soap and maybe try our hand at some chamomile tea as well!

Susanna, our 15 year-old, was in her school's production of Rogers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella". She was superbly cast as one of the wicked step-sisters in this fun musical!they all clearly had fun with this play and we say an enthusiastic "Well-done!!!" it. Is always fun to see what these kids can do!
Sophie has been in a very 'crafty' mood lately! It has been a little hard for her to focus on her school work...even harder than usual!! She wants to make things. Last week she made a very cute felt picture for her friend. I thought it was both creative and lovely. Now, back to work, Miss Sophia!!
We had a lovely Easter celebration! Luke and Susanna were both in our church's Easter musical. It was very beautiful in praise of our Risen Lord. The whole family came over for lunch, along with several friends. We enjoyed a pleasant dinner and watched the little ones wade through the tall grass in hunt of the hidden eggs! Watching the joy of discovery on the tiny ones faces as they find eggs is so much fun for us big people.
Friday evening was Prom night. Both Susanna and Ben, our German exchange student, attended the prom. All of Susanna's five sisters, her sister-in-law, nieces and friend Amanda, who loaned the dress out of her exclusive collection of prom dresses, were here to help get her ready!
The results were truly breathtaking! She is a lovely girl, inside and out!! Ben looked quite handsome in his tux as did Daniel, Susanna's date!
This last week was my last week to teach Bible study until fall. To all of you ladies...well-done, good and faithful servants!! I am appreciative of the break, but already anticipating the next study! This is a good time for me to get some projects done, and I am trying to decide what to tackle first. I want to focus on organizing my soap business to promote some growth in that area. Gardening takes a bit of work, and maybe painting my halls should be on the list...they have taken a lot of wear and tear. It is also time for one of my very favorite past-times...garage sales!! Last week I bought a whole box of pretty white dishes for just one dollar!! The girls and I love treasure hunting and have trouble passing a sale by!
One of these days I will show you some of my favorite garage sale finds.
We have found that in the spring a young dog's fancy turns to soccer! Our little dog, Max, is an avid soccer player.  He puts his whole heart into the have to love that in a dog!
From our friend, Mrs. Dunwoody

Soak colored cottons overnight in strong salt water and they will not fade.

To whiten laces, wash them in sour milk.

Save old cotton and linen rags in bags for spring cleaning and dusting.

Boil dingy whites (such as underwear or socks)in a pan with lemon slices.the lemon is a natural bleach.

"Prayer should be the key of the morning and the lock of the night."
-Owen Felltham

Thanks for reading,