Friday, February 11, 2011

Meet the Photographer

Before we go much further in this blog, I want to introduce you to our photographer.

Luke is our nineteen year-old son and seventh child.  We named Luke in honor of the biblical Dr. Luke who was the faithful companion of Paul. In II Timothy as Paul is in prison nearing the end of his earthly life, he mentions his lonely state and those who have either deserted him or left. Then he makes the poignant  statement: "Only Luke is with me."  I have always loved that faithfulness and wanted my son to share that wonderful quality.  As I sit here typing in this lonely computer room with Luke by my side, I can truly say with the apostle Paul, "Only Luke is with me."

Luke is a very talented young man! He is a wonderful musician who sings, plays a wicked trumpet and composes beautiful music. He also draws quite well. Check out his self-portrait below.

Luke is also a very artistic photographer. We will be showcasing Luke's photography on this blog. He is in the process of exploring just how he can combine all of his many talents into a career! Today we want to share some of the fun photos he has taken and hopefully you will enjoy them and get to know us a bit better!

You can listen to one of Luke's pieces while you enjoy the rest of the pictures.

Meet Max our dog. This is what happens when his favorite couch is moved and replaced by two chairs in his guard post in front of the living room window.

Such a handsome dog!!

This is a little friend of our family. Such a sweet boy!

This photo was taken last summer when my mother came to visit. It includes all of our daughters except the youngest.  From left to right: Susanna, me, Leah, Elisabeth, Hannah, Rachel and my Mom, Teresa.

This is my youngest child, Sophie.

Little Charlotte peers at the Pamlico Sound from the upper deck of our vacation home.

We were visiting Okracoke Island and spotted this mama and babies under a pick-up truck in the middle of a hotel parking lot!

An early morning walk on the beach.

Luke caught this shot at a motorcycle show  in Indy.

And that's the end of the show, folks!!!

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