Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Time Sure Flies!

I can hardly believe that it is already the last full week of February! It seemed when I was younger, that January and February dragged by.  Not any longer...they now keeps pace with the rest of the year. This has been a full winter so far. We have had five family birthdays since Christmas and have gutted a bathroom and begun the rebuilding process. I am teaching three bible studies, doing lots of reading,  homeschooling 
Sophie,and trying to keep my house clean and organized!  Sophie and I have taken up making dog treats to sell. Max gets to be the taste-tester which he likes. He hovers around the oven while they are baking. He is so finicky that if he likes them, I guess that other dogs will as well. I like that I can make them small for him, since he eats so many treats a day.  This is a recipe that Max likes pretty well and is inexpensive to make.


Mix in your mixing bowl:
2 t. yeast
1/2 cup warm water
2 T. dried parsley
2 T. minced garlic
1 1/2 c. chicken bouillon
1 cup oats
1/4 c. brown sugar
1 egg
Let the mixture sit until the oats are soft and then mix in 5-6 cups of whole wheat flour. I add the last cup or so as needed to make a nice dough which I knead until it is smooth. I divide the dough into 4 parts and roll each one into a rope. then I slice the rope into bits. You can make them any size you want, depending on the size of your dog.You can place them pretty close together on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 325 for 30 minutes. Turn them over and bake another 15 minutes. I let them stay on a sheet in the oven while the oven cools down so that the treats will be good and hard. After they are totally cool, store them in a sealed container.

We have had some cold and flu in our family this month. Susanna had a lung infection and a cough. We discovered a recipe for cinnamon milk that we tweaked a bit. This milk gave her a bit of relief when she was really sick.  We mixed a cup of milk with 1/2 t. cinnamon,  1/2 t. ginger, 1 t. vanilla and honey to taste. Heat it all up until it is nice and warm and enjoy! It tastes a bit like a chai and was quite soothing for the cough.

Thanks for reading!

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